Peyronie's Disease & Penile Curvature

Dr. Love is one of the most experienced Australian doctors in treating Penile Curvature and Peyronie’s disease.

Peyronie’s disease is a condition where the patient experiences penile curvature, indentation or a lump that can be felt in the penis.

Penile Curvature

If you have noticed that your penis has a bend or curve when it is erect, it can be caused by a few factors. It may in fact be “normal” as very few penises are completely straight.

It could also be due to a mis-match in the length of the cylinders in the penis, which is present since birth (congenital chordee) but often only noticed after puberty. It may be due to a condition, such as Peyronie’s disease, which can occur later in life.

When penile curvature is causing you either physical or psychological problems, it should be assessed and treatment options offered.

Dr Love specializes in treatment options for penile curvature. Make an appointment now for a confidential discussion. You do not need a referral, but this may help with the cost of the appointment.

Do I have Erectile Dysfunction?

Erectile Dysfunction is common in men with penile curvature and Peyronie’s disease. How do you know if you have ED? Take our quiz to find out.

Did you know?

Peyronie’s disease has affected men for hundreds of years. It was described by a French surgeon, Francois Gigot de la Peyronie (pictured) in 1743, but descriptions of it can be found in historical medical documents hundreds of years before.

What is Peyronie's Disease?

Peyronie’s disease is a condition where the patient experiences penile curvature, indentation or a lump that can be felt in the penis. There is also often a loss of penile length (with or without pain) upon erection. Erectile dysfunction, of some degree, is also found to occur in up to 90% of men with Peyronie’s disease.

These symptoms can appear in men of all ages but is most commonly present in men over 50.

What causes Peyronie's Disease?

The cause of Peyronie’s disease is not well understood, but it is likely there is genetic predisposition in most men who develop the condition.

In most cases, the disease is a result of inflammation and plaque (or scar) formation after repeated minor (and unrecognised) trauma to the penis; most commonly occurring during sexual intercourse. Usually this is not obvious “trauma” but more likely minor bending (“wear and tear”) of the penis during normal sexual activity leading to “fraying” and damage to the fibrous support beams in the penis.

The deformity of the penis is due to plaque formation that is, in fact, a thick scar tissue.  Scar tissue is not elastic and does not stretch, so this scarring can create curvature of the penis upwards, downwards, or sideways – wherever the scar tissue is situated, when the rest of the penis fills with blood and enlarges during an erection.

Watch Video: What is Peyronie's Disease?

What can Peyronie’s Disease do to my penis?

Penile Deformity

Penile Deformity

Peyronie’s disease can result in bends or curvature, indentation, narrowing, or loss of length in the penis. All of these can interfere with the ability to engage in sexual activity and penetration.

Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile Dysfunction (ED)

Peyronie’s disease can also be associated with a reduction in rigidity, or hardness of erections. Most commonly the plaque or scar stops blood being trapped in the penis properly, so it is difficult to get or keep a strong erection. Correction of the curvature only, via surgery, usually will not lead to correction of Erectile Dysfunction. So, if a patient has ED as well as Peyronie’s disease, then treatment options exist that will correct both problems, such as Penile Implant Surgery.

Psychological Impact

Psychological Impact

The effects of Peyronie’s disease have been recognised to have a potentially serious psychological impact, including causing depression and anxiety disorders. The effects of Peyronie’s disease are not something you have to put up with or live with for the rest of your life. Successful treatment options are available that can help you live a full and satisfying life.

What are the Treatment Options for Peyronie's Disease?

There are a number of treatment options available for Peyronie’s disease, that will help to maintain or regain sexual function by straightening the penis.

The type of treatment will depend on your personal circumstances, based on a number of factors including the degree of penile curvature, severity of penile shortening, the presence of penile narrowing, and whether erectile dysfunction is present. We also take into account what you want to achieve and your expectations of the outcome.

There are a number of interventions available including:

  • Oral medications (variable, and sometimes minimal benefit)
  • Collagenase injections into the plaque (not currently available in Australia)
  • Mechanical penile traction and stretching with vacuum devices or external penile extenders, particularly the RestoreX device
  • Surgical penile straightening and reconstruction by plication type adjustment surgery, or incision of scar tissue, with or without grafting.
  • Placement of penile implant or prosthesis with straightening procedure at the same time. A great choice for men who have curvature as well as erectile dysfunction.
  • Penile disassembly surgery with length restoration and penile implant placement. The only procedure that can help length loss caused by Peyronie’s disease.

Treatment for Peyronie’s disease will be different for every different patient, and this is why the individual problem must be assessed and understood, and why there must be a thorough understanding of what can be achieved in each case, and what the expectations of outcome are.

Dr. Love is one of the most experienced Australian doctors in treating Peyronie’s disease, performing all the surgical techniques available, as well as using collagenase injection therapy in appropriate cases.

Watch Video: Treatments for Peyronie's Disease

Watch Video: Traction Therapy for Peyronie's Disease

What are the Treatment Options for Congenital Curvature?

Most of the treatment options for treating Peyronie’s disease would not be considered for treating congenital curvature because these are usually younger men with normal erection strength, and no penile shortening.

Typically, these types of curvatures are to the side or downwards and are best treated by some type of plication surgery, whereby the side opposite the curve is adjusted surgically to completely straighten the penis.

From the Podcast


The exact cause of Peyronie’s disease isn’t fully understood, but it’s likely that genetics play a role in most cases. This condition develops due to inflammation and the formation of scar tissue in the penis, after repeated minor injuries, often during sexual activity. These injuries might not be obvious or remembered by the patient, but can result from regular bending or stress on the penis during sex. The scar tissue, or plaque, isn’t flexible like normal tissue, so it can cause the penis to bend or curve in different directions during erection. This bending happens because the scar tissue doesn’t stretch, leading to deformity in the penis.

In some rare cases, Peyronie’s disease may improve on its own without treatment. If there is “improvement” however it may actually just be that the curvature improves because more scars develop to “balance” the original bend. However, this is not likely in most cases.

For most, the condition may persist or worsen over time, leading to symptoms such as pain during erection, penile curvature, and erectile dysfunction.

If left untreated, Peyronie’s disease can lead to various complications, including:

  • Penile deformity and curvature, which can make sexual intercourse difficult or impossible.
  • Erectile dysfunction, as the scar tissue can interfere with the normal mechanism of achieving and maintaining an erection.
  • Emotional and psychological distress, including anxiety, depression, and relationship problems, due to changes in sexual function and appearance of the penis.

Peyronie’s disease can occur at any age but is most commonly diagnosed in men between the ages of 40 and 60. However, it can also affect younger and older men. The exact cause of Peyronie’s disease is not fully understood, but age-related changes in penile tissue and blood vessels may contribute to its development, with less rigid erections more likely to “flex” during sexual activity and cause the minor injury that develops into the scarring of Peyronie’s disease.

We are here to help

Dr Love and his team understand that you may be feeling nervous, anxious or embarrassed about your symptoms or condition. We want you to know that you deserve to get the treatment you need and that you can go on to live a fulfilling and satisfying life. It’s never too late.

Talk to an Expert

You can call our expert team confidentially and ask any questions you may have about your symptoms, condition, treatment options and the best way forward. No obligation.

Make an Appointment

You can request an appointment with Dr Love by calling 1800 375 683 or or completing the contact form on this page. You do not need a referral from your GP, but this may assist with the cost of the consultation.

Talk to Our Nurse

Concerned about Erectile Dysfunction? Have a free, confidential chat with our specialist ED nurse, Gill, and find out more about your treatment options.

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