Contact Dr Christopher Love

Make an appointment with Dr Christopher Love, view his consulting locations and what you need to know about your appointment.

Enquiry Form

Consulting Locations:

Restore Urology at Holmesglen Private Hospital

Level 2, 490 South Rd Moorabbin, 3189

Telephone : 03 9660 4911

Opening Hours:

  • Monday to Thursday – 8.30 AM to 5.00 PM.
  • Friday – 8.30 AM to 4.00 PM.

How to find us:

  • Enter main hospital doors opposite the car park roundabout.
  • Please enter via the main hospital entrance and take the lift by reception to 2nd floor where you will find Restore Urology, Dr Love’s consulting suite.
  • Metered parking is available within the grounds of Holmesglen Private Hospital, at a cost of $6.00. The machine to pay this parking is situated at the front door of the hospital, or others in the rear car parks.
  • For patients staying overnight in hospital who need to park in the hospital car park, you can download the Easy Park app to top up the machine from your bed.

Dr Christopher Love

MBBS, FRACS, FUSANZ Urologic and Prosthetic Surgeon

Your Appointment

We prefer you to complete the registration form and questionnaires that will be sent to you and return those to us online before, before your appointment.

Also, most of the things listed below should have been sent to us by your referring doctor, but if they have not been, please remember to obtain and bring the following:

  • Referral letter from GP, family physician or other doctor. Note: Whilst you do not need a referral to see Dr Love,  a referral will help reduce the cost of your initial consultation, and enable “no gap” charging for surgical procedures, if appropriate.
  • Medicare card, DVA card, pension card
  • Have your Private Hospital Insurance information with you
  • Reports, X-rays, MRI’s, CT scans etc. and any other relevant information

To Cancel an Appointment

Telephone the office during business hours and allow at least 1 days’ notice so that we can offer your appointment time to patients on our waiting list.

We recognise that your time is valuable, and we make every effort to run on time. Occasionally emergencies or patients require a little more time, and these cause scheduling delays beyond our control. We apologise if we keep you waiting.

Click here to find out more information about what to expect at your appointment.

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Travel Directions:

Restore Urology at Holmesglen Private Hospital

Level 2, 490 South Rd Moorabbin, 3189

Restore Urology at Holmesglen Private Hospital is on South Rd, Moorabbin, about 18km southeast of the Melbourne CBD. It is conveniently close to major arterial roads such as Nepean Highway, Warrigal Rd., and the Dingley Bypass.