New and Emerging Therapies for ED

Dr Christopher Love specialises in treatment for Erectile Dysfunction

New and novel strategies to treat Erectile Dysfunction (ED) are emerging and have evolved because of the use of regenerative therapies in other areas of medicine, particularly in soft-tissue injuries.

New and Evolving Therapies for Erectile Dysfunction

New and novel strategies to treat Erectile Dysfunction (ED) are emerging and have evolved because of the use of regenerative therapies in other areas of medicine, particularly in soft-tissue injuries.

These strategies aim to restore the structure and function of diseased erectile tissue and offer a “cure”. A truly regenerative model would provide for long-term maintenance of erectile function through the introduction of various growth and other tissue factors, helping with both nerve and muscle cell regeneration.

Some of the regenerative approaches for the treatment of ED currently being studied include:

  • Platelet-rich plasma (PRP),
  • Amniotic fluid matrices,
  • Low-intensity extracorporeal shockwave therapy (LiSWT), and 
  • Stem cell therapy (SCT)

Although a significant amount of preliminary research has been completed exploring the regenerative treatment options for ED, there is not very much good quality human data to support their use as a standard therapy in clinical practice.

The data for or against each technology is controversial. The Sexual Medicine Society of North America (SMSNA) has issued a consensus statement clarifying that “novel technologies, including PRP, LiESWT, and SCT, should only be used under supervision of a rigorously designed clinical trial.”

Despite this recommendation, men’s health clinics are becoming increasingly more common, sometimes offering these therapies at exorbitant costs to the patient.

Dr. Love has an ongoing interest in these new therapies and can discuss them, and their role in treatment, with individual patients, but whether they should be offered to all men with ED, and how well they work anyway, remains unknown.

Watch Video: Dr Love discusses Erectile Dysfunction

Dr Christopher Love is the most experienced Penile Implant Surgeon in Australia.

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